Explore Tohu Whenua in the regions
Explore our regions
Every region has its own unique stories and flavour but all of them are home to treasured heritage places, just waiting for you to visit. Find all the information you need right here.

Te Tai Tokerau Northland’s Tohu Whenua, and the interweaving journeys, tell the stories of our beginnings. These are places where both our Māori and European ancestors arrived, centuries apart, and where their identities were defined.

Te Tai Poutini West Coast’s Tohu Whenua tell the stories of the hardships endured for our country’s most prized resources. A region known for its incredible beauty and rich bounty, these are the places where our people’s limits were tested and rewarded.

Otago’s Tohu Whenua are places that tell stories of our people’s pioneering spirit, marking some of the cornerstones of our economic and entrepreneurial livelihood. Experience the innovations and inventions born out of necessity, the wealth evident of an era, and appreciate the industries that set us up to be the self-reliant and prospering country we are today.