Image: Waitangi Treaty Grounds ©

Our story

Tohu Whenua is your free itinerary to places to visit and explore history where it happened.

Follow in the footsteps of extraordinary and ordinary New Zealanders and discover the traditions, triumphs, challenges and innovations that have shaped our country and culture. Whether on foot, by waka or on wheels, Tohu Whenua has something for every explorer.

Launched in 2016, the programme is successfully operating in three regions – Te Tai Tokerau Northland, Otago and Te Tai Poutini West Coast. The goal is to roll out Tohu Whenua in all 15 regions of New Zealand.

Let us guide you through Aotearoa New Zealand’s must-dos.

Our Partners

Tohu Whenua is a partnership between the following New Zealand government agencies.
  • Department of Conservation Logo
  • Manatū Taonga Link
  • Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Logo
with support from
  • Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment Logo
  • Te Puni Kokiri Logo

Criteria for sites

Tohu Whenua works closely with iwi and communities in each region to identify the places that are most significant to their rohe. These are assessed against the programme’s criteria.

  • Special significance to New Zealand
  • Storytelling potential
  • Iwi benefit
  • An owner willing to be part of Tohu Whenua
  • Community benefit
  • Stories that matter to people
  • Accessibility
  • Family Friendly
  • Potential to grow
  • Presentation
  • Willing owner 

More about Tohu Whenua

Tohu Whenua is the name of the visitor programme that promotes Aotearoa New Zealand’s most significant heritage sites. Tohu Whenua are also the places that have shaped Aotearoa New Zealand. Located in stunning landscapes and rich with stories, they offer some of our best heritage experiences.

Launched in 2016, the programme is successfully operating in three regions – Te Tai Tokerau Northland, Otago and Te Tai Poutini West Coast. Waitaha Canterbury launches in 2025, and our goal is to roll out Tohu Whenua in all 15 regions of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tohu Whenua is for anyone with an interest in Aotearoa New Zealand’s history and culture. Kiwis can connect with their own heritage and identity, and international visitors will learn more about what makes our country unique.

Our name, Tohu Whenua, acknowledges the memories of the land, marking places made significant by our forebears and telling their stories. It can be understood as ‘landmarks’ (tohu = mark or sign; whenua = land).

Tohu Whenua are publicly and privately owned places. Some are owned or cared for by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga or Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai. 

Many are managed by trusts and some are privately owned. The important thing is that the sites’ owners, kaitiaki or managers are on board.

Tohu Whenua criteria

Tohu Whenua works closely with iwi and communities in each region to identify the places that are most significant to their rohe. These are assessed against the programme’s criteria. The final selections or approvals are made by the Tohu Whenua Governance Group, which is made up of senior staff from the partner agencies.

  • Potential sites are assessed based on:
  • Special significance to New Zealand
  • Stories that matter to people
  • Iwi and community benefit
  • An owner willing to be part of Tohu Whenua
  • Accessibility
  • Family friendly
  • Potential to grow
  • Presentation

Tohu Whenua is a collaboration

We are a partnership between Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga (HNZPT), Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) and Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) with support from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE) and Te Puni Kokiri Ministry for Māori Development (TPK). Representatives from all five agencies are part of the Governance Group.

At a working level, a steering group with members from HNZPT, DOC, MCH and TPK oversees operations.

We work closely with Tourism New Zealand, regional tourism organisations, mainstream and trade media, and of course the operators of each Tohu Whenua.

Contact us

If you would like to get in touch please email us at

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